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How to Lose Belly Fat Youtube With Diet

Shedding the weight around your middle is possible, though you can't target one area. When you lose fat, you lose it from your whole body, not just your belly.[1] Each pound of fat equals 3500 calories, so you'll need to burn an extra 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week. It's easiest to lose weight if you balance reducing your calories with exercising. To lose belly fat, burn fat off with cardio and interval training, and then target your abdomen with strength training to help tighten up those muscles.

  1. 1

    Walk it off. Walking is a great way to burn fat and work your abdominal muscles. Walk for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week. To burn the most calories, tighten your abdominal muscles while you're walking. Walk at a brisk pace, where you can talk normally but would have trouble singing, and don't forget to swing those arms![2]

    • If you need to, start out with shorter walks and work your way up to 30 minutes.
  2. 2

    Take off running to burn fat quickly. If walking seems a bit slow to you, move up to running. Running can burn as many as 600 to 1,000 calories per hour, and best of all, you don't have to hit the gym to run. If you want to increase the intensity, try running up hills.[3]

  3. 3

    Hop on a rowing machine to get your heart pumping. Rowing is a great all-body workout, and it gets your blood pumping. Plus, rowing often works muscles that your body isn't accustomed to using, which means it can help ramp up your metabolism.[4]

  4. 4

    Cycle your fat away. Whether you jump on your bike or hit a cycling class at the gym, cycling is also a great way to burn fat. A cycling class can help you increase your intensity to ensure you're burning as much fat as you can, but you may find it easier to incorporate riding a bike into your routine. For instance, you could bike to work instead of taking your car.[5]

  5. 5

    Swim laps for an all-body workout. Swimming is a great full-body workout, and you can burn up to 750 calories per hour. Try swimming for 30 to 45 minutes 4 or 5 times per week to get the full benefit.[6]

    • If you're just starting out, start out with 10 laps of 50 metres (160 ft) each. You can rest for about half a minute between laps.
    • Add 100 to 200 metres (330 to 660 ft) per week.
  1. 1

    Row with intensity training. On the rowing machine, row steadily for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10. As you rest, stay on the machine with your legs and arms in place. On the next 20 seconds, try to beat your last 20 seconds. Keep going for 8 rounds of 20 seconds of rowing and 10 seconds of rest. With each round, work on beating your last distance. Finish up by rowing for 500 meters.[7]

  2. 2

    Sprint using HIIT. As an example of a HIIT routine, you could run and coast at given intervals. For instance, you can run for 40 yards all-out, then slow down for 40 yards. Rest for half a minute and begin again. Alternatively, you can run for 30 seconds and rest for 1 minute and 15 seconds, repeating 10 times.[8]

  3. 3

    Switch between muscle groups. Typically with interval training, you work hard for a short period and then take a rest. However, another way you can do it is to switch between muscle groups without taking a rest. For instance, focus on an exercise that works your legs and then jump into an exercise that primarily works your arms.[9]

    • For instance, try 30 seconds of pull-ups, doing as many as you can, followed by 60 jumping jacks and 20 burpees, then rest for 30 seconds.[10]
  4. 4

    Try an abs interval workout. Start with 50 crunches. Move on to a minute of bicycle crunches, followed by 15 situps. Switch to 15 knee raises and 20 oblique crunches on each side. End with 20 seconds of half burpees.[11]

    • To do a regular crunch, lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands cupped behind your ears. Lift your upper back and shoulders up off the floor towards the ceiling as you pull your knees in toward your chest. Release to complete 1 rep.
    • For a bicycle crunch, lean up slightly with your hands behind your head and your elbows out. Bring up one knee and bring the opposite elbow toward it, then do the other side.
    • For a hanging knee raise, start by hanging off a pullup bar. Bring your knees up to your chest or as high as you can raise them, and then bring them back towards the floor, only lightly brushing the floor as you do.
    • For oblique crunches, lay on one side with your knees bent a bit. Place the arm that's not next to floor behind your head. Lean up as if doing a normal crunch, and then return to the starting position.[12]
    • For a half burpee, place your hands on the floor in front of you. Jump your feet backward and forward, from an almost pushup position to your feet up near your hands.
  1. 1

    Try side planks. Planks work your core muscles, and side planks are even more effective, because you only have 2 points touching the ground. Start by laying on the floor on your side. Your elbow should be underneath you.[13]

    • Lift your hips off the ground until your body is in a straight line. Hold that position for about half a minute or as long as you can. If you don't hit the 30 to 45 second mark, lift again until you do.
    • Turn over and do the other side.
    • If you have knee problems, you can modify the planks by resting your knees on the floor.
  2. 2

    Work on pushup walkouts. Start in a downward dog position with your palms flat on the floor and your body lifted off the ground. Your body should be slightly bent at your waist. Walk your hands forward into a pushup position, and then walk them back toward your feet. Repeat 10 times.[14]

  3. 3

    Do bird-dogs. Begin on all fours on the ground, looking down. Extend one arm forward while you extend the opposite leg backward at the same time. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, keeping your back straight. Move to the other side, and repeat the whole process 5 to 10 times.[15]

  4. 4

    Add reverse crunches. Lay on your back with your arms splayed out to the sides. Bring your knees up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Your calves should be parallel to the floor with your feet in the air. Gently lift your hips off the ground, contracting your abdominal muscles as you do. Inhale as you move your hips back down. Do about 10 repetitions.[16]

  5. 5

    Try arms-up hops. Start with your arms at your side. Step forward with one leg. As you do, bring your other leg up. Bring your arms up above your head. Simultaneously, hop on the leg that's still on the ground. As you come back down, bring your feet together and your arms back to your sides. Do 20 reps, switching back and forth between your legs.[17]

Sample Exercises and Routines

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  • Question

    How can I lose tummy fat fast?

    Laura Flinn

    Laura Flinn is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer, USA Olympic Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach and Certified Fitness Nutritionist, with an additional qualification as a TRX Suspension Trainer. Laura runs her own personal training program based in the San Francisco Bay Area and specializes in topics such as weight loss, muscle growth, cardiovascular training, and strength training.

    Laura Flinn

    NASM Certified Personal Trainer

    Expert Answer

    You can't target specific parts of your body when it comes to weight loss. Luckily, if you work on lowering your overall weight, you'll shed some belly fat. Focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet and get plenty of cardio. How quickly you lose the weight depends on how much excess weight you're carrying and your genetics, but you should be able to lose 1-2 pounds a week if you're persistent.

  • Question

    How can I lose belly fat in a week?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    It is not possible to lose belly fat specifically in a week. Our bodies burn fat cells from all over, not preferentially from the belly. It is reasonable to lose 1-2 pounds of overall body fat in a week.

  • Question

    What exercise burns the most belly fat at home?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    Exercises you can do at home to burn overall body fat (remember you can't choose where the fat comes off) include jumping jacks, burpees, skipping or any vigorous sustained activity.

  • Question

    What machines should I use at the gym to lose belly fat?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    No machine can make your body preferentially burn belly fat. Your body loses the fat from all over. Any machine that keeps your heart rate elevated and makes you sweat will burn more calories and help you burn off those fat cells. Try the treadmill, stair climber, elliptical or stationary bike for 30 minutes of huffing and puffing.

  • Question

    How can I get a flat stomach in 2 days?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

    Expert Answer

    It is not healthy or realistic to change your body shape, including getting a flat stomach, in only two days.

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  • For best results, combine a lower-calorie diet with exercise to burn fat.[18]

About this article

Article SummaryX

If you're trying to exercise to lose belly fat, walk 30 minutes a day for at least five days a week, or, to burn more calories, run for some or all of that time! Try using high intensity interval training when you run by adding some intervals where you sprint for 30 seconds then slow down for a minute and 15 seconds. Make your abs workout high intensity, too, by doing a series of 50 crunches, a minute of bicycle crunches, 15 sit-ups, 15 knee raises, 20 oblique crunches on each side, and then 20 seconds of half burpees. To learn more from our Personal Trainer co-author, like how to do ab workouts to lose belly fat, keep reading!

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How to Lose Belly Fat Youtube With Diet
